Diving Deeper Into the Mind and Numinous Experiences
Dreams, Consciousness, Belief Systems, Trauma Responses, and More
Diving Deeper Into the Mind and Numinous Experiences
Dreams, Consciousness, Belief Systems, Trauma Responses, and More
The Science of Spirituality
Numinous experience is awe-inspiring and out of our 'ordinary' range of experience. Individual personal experiences range from descriptions of 'altered states of
consciousness,' to sublime natural experiences (think sunsets and standing by the ocean) to encounters with "the Divine" Although there is often a strong visual component, auditory (hearing), olfactory (smell), and kinesthetic (touch and other sensations) can also be present.
Findings in neuroscience, from the use of PET scans and a greater understanding of various amino acids and neurochemicals, have increased comprehension of the role the brain plays in mediating human spiritual experiences.

Laurie Hamilton, Ph.D., has lived in the mountains most of her life (Western Massachusetts – Santa Monica, California – Asheville, North Carolina). A spiritually sensitive kid with refined intuition, she also has a deep, abiding curiosity and has honed skills as a scientist.